This hinged bracelet uses gemstone beads to send a secret message in morse code. eg a Sapphire= 1dot, an emerald 2 dots, a Ruby 1 dash....
Comments (4) ▼
Vos créations sont très belles et j'aimerai un jour en posséder une. Peut être, que je pourrais offrir une magnifique bague à ma maman. Je vous souhaite encore beaucoup de succès et BRAVO pour votre travail et votre Talent.
I came across your name on Orchid where people were talking about Aussies using the site. I live in Sydney and am currently teaching myself silversmithing, we're moving to Brisbane next year and I'm wondering if you ever have exhibitions. Your work is absolutely stunning!!
I saw your name as a Saul Bell winner and had to check out your website- I love your designs they are so fresh and clean but you say so much with each of them! It has been a pleasure to navigate your site.